Review of new English templates for minissdpd
2018-03-28 05:23:07 UTC

I've added the attached new template to minissdpd. Please let me know if
you see issues in it and send us the corrections.


Template: minissdpd/start_daemon
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Start the MiniSSDP daemon automatically?
Choose this option if the MiniSSDP daemon should start automatically,
now and at boot time.

Template: minissdpd/listen
Type: string
_Description: LAN network to listen on for UPnP queries:
The MiniSSDP daemon will listen for requests on the local network. It will
drop all queries that are not come from the set network. Please enter the LAN
interface / IP address (with CIDR) it should listen on.
Interface name is preferred, and required if you plan to enable IPv6 port

Template: minissdpd/ip6
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Enable IPv6 listerning?
Please specify whether the MiniSSDP daemon should listen for IPv6 queries.
Justin B Rye
2018-03-28 12:12:57 UTC
Post by Yangfl
I've added the attached new template to minissdpd. Please let me know if
you see issues in it and send us the corrections.
Okay, comments inline below, revised version and diff attached.
Post by Yangfl
Template: minissdpd/start_daemon
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Start the MiniSSDP daemon automatically?
Choose this option if the MiniSSDP daemon should start automatically,
now and at boot time.
Template: minissdpd/listen
Type: string
This starts by talking as if we're asking the reader to enter a
*network* base-address (like, when in fact what we're hoping
for is an *interface* identifier from which minissdpd can find the
local network. We should say that in the first place:

_Description: interface to listen on for UPnP queries:

(In the process I'm evading a minor issue: "LAN network" means "Local
Area Network network", which pedants consider redundant.)
Post by Yangfl
The MiniSSDP daemon will listen for requests on the local network. It will
drop all queries that are not come from the set network. Please enter the LAN
^^^ ^^^
Post by Yangfl
interface / IP address (with CIDR) it should listen on.
Grammar problem: this should be "do", not "are". Also, the network
hasn't been "set" yet! And it's the same one as the network you just
referred to as "the local network", so probably the best solution is
to reorganise the sentence slightly.

A much more minor problem: using "/" as an abbreviation for "or" can
be ambiguous - "/" is used as a separator in various notations (such
as CIDR), and we don't want them to enter "interface-slash-address".

So how about:

The MiniSSDP daemon will listen for requests on one interface, and drop
all queries that do not come from the local network. Please enter the LAN
interface or IP address (in CIDR notation) that it should listen on.
Post by Yangfl
Interface name is preferred, and required if you plan to enable IPv6 port
Template: minissdpd/ip6
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Enable IPv6 listerning?
Please specify whether the MiniSSDP daemon should listen for IPv6 queries.
Typo: "listening".

_Description: Enable IPv6 listening?
JBR with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package